Why is this election being conducted using the internet?
Although the Independent Party has grown to more than 125,000 members, we have fallen below the 5% membership level needed to remain a major political party. As a minor party, we need to conduct our elections ourselves without state funding while the Democrats and Republicans receive more than $3 million in taxpayer funds to conduct their election.
Does this election really matter?
Yes. Because Oregon is a "Fusion Voting" state, the winner of the IPO elections for statewide office, which candidates opted in for, will carry the Independent Party label on the November 2020 ballot. The Presidential Preference poll will inform the party's participation in any national convention or affiliation with political parties in other states.
Who is eligible to participate?
All Independent and non-affiliated voters registered in Oregon as of March 1, 2020. This is the only partisan election process that is open to all Independent and non-affiliated voters.
What form of ID do I need?
Because most of the information used to provide voting credentials is public information, we need some form of documentation that verifies the person voting in our election. The easiest thing to do is take a photo of the address portion of your ballot envelope of your official state ballot.
This ballot looks different than what I am used to. Why is that?
The Independent Party has chosen STAR Voting (equal.vote) as our election partner. Their method allows voters to score candidates who are then subjected to an automatic runoff. This voting system allows voters to fully express their preference and eliminates the so-called "Spoiler effect". ​
I am having trouble logging in or need technical help.Please email the Equal Vote support team: support@equal.vote.
Click to read the STAR Voting support FAQ's.
What about other races?
The 2020 statewide primary does not include state legislative, congressional or local offices.
Two statewide candidates, Jeff Merkley and Ellen Rosenblum, filed for our election but are running unopposed. The STAR Voting System does not allow single candidate races and our election rules do not allow a "none of the above" option.
I really appreciate what you are doing. How can I help?
You can donate your $50 2019 Oregon tax credit credit by clicking here.
Or you can help get active with our effort by contacting us.
See what our party is about by checking out the 2018- 2020 platforms on the front page.